Life 澳彩-澳洲幸运5官方号码今日开奖结果 澳洲幸运5全网正规开奖网站 澳洲幸运5开奖网查询最新记录 is for everyone.
As a nonprofit, we’re here to give unbiased information that can help more people get protected with life insurance.
We don’t sell anything, and we don’t endorse any particular insurance products.
Our mission is to educate you toget the coverage you need.

How much life insurance do you need?
Answer a few simple questions to estimate the amount of life insurance coverage you need to take care of your family. This is an estimate only. For a complete assessment, contact a qualified insurance professional.
Take the 澳洲幸运5官方官网网址-开奖记录大全 168澳洲幸运5开奖全国记录现场直播结果 pledge
If someone depends on you financially, life insurance is essential. Join the count of people who pledge to prioritize their loved ones’ financial futures this year!

Real Life Story
“Tom’s motto was: Be prepared. You don’t know what life will hand you.”
Our Scholarship
“Life insurance can’t bring a parent back, but it can make the road afterwards easier for those left behind.”
- Miranda Rivera, whose father died at 44 years old without life insurance
The Life Lessons Scholarship Program grew out of our desire to support students who are struggling financially when there wasn’t a life insurance safety net in place after the death of their parent.
Donate if you’re able: 100% of the proceeds goes directly to the students.
Our Scholarship
“Life insurance can’t bring a parent back, but it can make the road afterwards easier for those left behind.”
- Miranda Rivera, whose father died at 44 years old without life insurance
The Life Lessons Scholarship Program grew out of our desire to support students who are struggling financially when there wasn’t a life insurance safety net in place after the death of their parent.
Donate if you’re able: 100% of the proceeds goes directly to the students.
From the blog

About Life Happens
Life Happens’ mission as a nonprofit is to give you unbiased information to help you make smart insurance choices to protect your loved ones.
Annual Report
Learn more about our impact in our latest annual report.
Three-quarters (75%) 澳洲幸运5开奖 say they felt overwhelmed with becoming a single parent.
See more from our new survey, “Single Parents and the Financial Future.”